Apartament me qera ditore ne qender te Tiranes
Apartamenti karakterizohet nga nje kombinim i rehatise me stilin bashkekohor. Ketu mund te gjeni te pranishme te gjitha facilitetet e nevojshme per ta bere qendrimin tuaj sa me komod; kuzhine e kompletuar, kondicioner, internet, etj. Gjithashtu mund te argetoheni duke ndjekur ne televizor filmat e preferuar permes Netlix. Ne kete studio apartament mund te akomodohen 2 persona,
*Te gjitha cmimet e akomodimeve jane te paraqitura ne Lek dhe per pagesa ne valute te huaj do te perdoret kursi ditor i kembimit.
Daily rental apartment in Tirana
Located in Kompleksi Delijorgji, this cozy apartment features modern furniture along with a fully equipped kitchen and open plan living area.
With all the essentials you need, your stay will be made comfortable in our superior bed with quality linen, plush towels, air conditioning, TV, Netflix and complimentary Wi-Fi.
Please note our property is non–smoking.
*All prices are based on Albanian Lek and a daily exchange rate will apply if you pay in other currencies.
We look forward to welcoming you to Tirana!