Studio me qera ditore prane sheshit Skenderbej
Studio ofron nje hapesire komode per dy persona, ne katin e njembedhjete, te karakterizuar nga nje arredim elegant dhe plot shije. Klienteve u ofrohen te gjitha kushtet e nevojshme per nje qendrim sa me te kendshem; kondicioner, internet, televizor, Netflix, etj. Akomodimi ka akses ne rruget kryesore te Tiranes dhe atraksionet turistike jane shume prane zones. Nese po kerkoni te kaloni nje mbremje relaksuese, ky eshte vendi ideal per ju.
*Te gjitha cmimet e akomodimeve jane te paraqitura ne Lek dhe per pagesa ne valute te huaj do te perdoret kursi ditor i kembimit.
Studio for short term rent near Skanderbeg Square
Our modern Rooftop 7 Apartment is the perfect little getaway, equipped with all the amenities you require for a comfortable stay in Tirana including tea and coffee making facilities, a superior bed with quality linens, plush towels, air conditioning, TV, Netflix and complimentary Wi-Fi.
Please note our properties are non–smoking.
*All prices are based on Albanian Lek and a daily exchange rate will apply if paying in other currencies.
We can’t wait to welcome in our Tirana.