Apartament me qera ditore prane qendres se Tiranes
Apartamenti 2+1 eshte i perbere nga dhoma e ndenjies ku ndodhet nje divan, 2 dhoma gjumi me krevate dopio, kuzhina e kompletuar dhe tualeti. Hapesira e bollshme mundeson qendrimin deri ne 4 persona. Akomodimi permban mobilje moderne, internet, televizor, kondicioner dhe peshqire te paster per klientet. Rruga ne te cilen ndodhet apartamenti eshte nder me te njohurat ne Tirane, ku mund te gjeni shume lokale, restorante dhe dyqane.
*Te gjitha cmimet e akomodimeve jane te paraqitura ne Lek dhe per pagesa ne valute te huaj do te perdoret kursi ditor i kembimit.
Apartment for short term rent in Tirana
This spacious apartment offers a generous living area along with a fully equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms with double beds plus a modern bathroom.
Equipped with all the essential amenities including complimentary Wi-Fi and Netflix, your stay is guaranteed to be a comfortable and memorable one.
Walk along one of the best streets of Tirana, close to bars, restaurants, clubs & shopping areas.
All of our properties are non smoking properties.
*Please note that all prices are based on Albanian Lek and will a daily exchange rate will apply if paying in other currencies.