Discover the way to travel from Tirana to Ohrid with our helpful guide. Learn about bus schedules and shuttle services.

Travelers seeking to journey between these two cities should note that there isn’t a daily bus service available year-round. Instead, during the summer season, only two buses operate, departing from the International Bus Station in Tirana at 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM, each running twice per week.


Normally the ticket is 18 euro / person.

If you are 3-4 person the worthier way is to get a shuttle service from Tirana. It is quicker, cheaper and you do not have a time to catch ! You can start at the time you wish. For more visit our shuttle services list. Not only is it more economical, but it also offers greater flexibility in departure times, allowing travelers to commence their journey at their convenience.

With shuttle services, travelers can bid farewell to the constraints of fixed schedules and enjoy a quicker and more personalized travel experience. By consulting our curated list of shuttle services, travelers can seamlessly arrange their transportation from Tirana to Ohrid, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free journey from start to finish.

Ensure your journey from Tirana to Ohrid is stress-free and efficient by exploring our guide to bus schedules and shuttle services. Experience the convenience and flexibility of shuttle travel, all while saving time and money. Plan your trip with confidence and embark on your adventure with ease.